Adriana Gherman
Adriana has been part of the Best Tools team since August 2023, holding the position of administrative assistant. In this role, Adriana ensures daily that the entire team at the Bucharest office has all the necessary tools to operate “at full throttle.” Adriana interacts with all colleagues, as well as with clients and partners. Let’s get to know her better! 😊
Department: Administrative
- Describe your job using only 4 words.
Challenge, knowledge, information, and progress.
- How long have you been part of the Best Tools Company team?
For almost a year 😊.
- Tell us about your first working day at Best Tools Company.
It was a beautiful summer day (August 1), when an inventory was to be done at Best Tools’ warehouse. It was the first experience of this kind for me, as I had never participated in such an inventory before in my career, let alone in the first days of a new job. To my great surprise, however, the inventory proved extremely useful for me, as I had the opportunity to meet almost all my colleagues, to socialize, and to share opinions, ideas, and experiences. The process of integration and getting to know each other was much more natural and easier due to this activity.
- What is the achievement within the company that you are most proud of?
It would be hard for me to choose a specific example. I believe the most important thing was to quickly understand each business line, given that I interact with everyone in the company. It seems very important to me to know the role of each person in the company so I can facilitate the most efficient communication.
- What is the most interesting thing you are working on right now?
Myself 😊.
- How important is the team surrounding you at work?
Considering that we spend a lot of time together at the office, the team is very important. A team’s personality is made up of multiple pieces, but if the result is one I resonate with, I am satisfied. I find myself in the Best Tools team, and this helped me integrate more quickly.
At work, we know how you are, but we are curious about how Adriana is in her free time.
In short, in my free time, I am dedicated to my children and family, but I don’t neglect my friends either. 😉
- If you could become an expert in any profession in the world, whose job would you like to switch with?
I would like to switch jobs with the president 😊.
- What do you like to do when you’re not working?
When I’m not working, I like to plan vacations, go out to restaurants with my husband or friends. 😊
- What is the website or mobile app you access most often?
Facebook and, I think it’s obvious from the previous answer, Booking 😊.
- What is the last movie/series you watched?
I don’t watch series or movies. I rarely go to the cinema. I don’t have an answer.
- Tell us something unique about yourself.
I’ll let others speak. 😊
- Tom or Jerry?
Spike 😊
- Do you have a motto?
“Smile, tomorrow could be worse!”